MBC Instructor Locator
The following MBC practitioners have, at some point, earned my trust and confidence to share the MBC system. Many of those listed here have undergone formal testing to achieve official instructor certification in MBC and CBC.
Those listed in bold print have maintained current knowledge of MBC through recent personal training with me, participation in the Distance Learning Program, or both. They also teach MBC actively and have provided up-to-date contact information to support this web page. As such, they are considered preferred sources of MBC training.
Those listed as instructors Emeritus are no longer current in their knowledge of MBC or active in their teaching of it. They are listed here out of respect for their prior contributions to the MBC community.
All others listed here have previously achieved instructor certification in MBC, but have not provided current contact information, have not maintained currency in their skills, or both. They are listed here for reference purposes and in acknowledgment of their original accomplishment.
If you are looking for training in MBC and do not have the ability to train directly with Michael Janich, the instructors highlighted in bold print below are the recommended resources for authentic, up-to-date, technically accurate MBC instruction.
Instructor Name: Fionn Sheerin
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: 2612 W Baseline Road, Mesa, Arizona 85202
Phone: 480-820-2428 (school), 979-645-1623 (cell)
Email: asujujiutsuclub@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Casey Paiz
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor with Certificate of Proficiency
School Name: Gilbert Defense Arts
Location: Gilbert, Arizona
Phone: 480-855-7586
Email: info@gilbertdefensearts.com
Website: www.GilbertMartialArts.com
Instructor Name: Andrew Crepea
MBC Instructor Status: Study Group Leader/Certificate of Proficiency
Email: persdefcon1@gmail.com
Phone: 520-784-8215
Instructor Name: Steven Dearmond
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Instructor Name: Marty Lee
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: San Francisco Bay Area, California
Email: Marty@trainuntilforever.com
Website: www.trainuntilforever.com
Instructor Name: Uli Gebhard
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: Anaheim, California
Telephone Number: 714-726-6105
Email: uli@gebhardsolutions.com
Website: www.gebhardsolutions.com
Instructor Name: Ernest Flores
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Telephone Number: 510-604-4573
Instructor Name: Erik Haw
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
School Name: MBC Anaheim (Coordinated by Gebhard Solutions)
Location: Anaheim, California
Telephone Number: 626-297-9759
Email: erikhaw@pm.me
Instructor Name: David Mayo
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Dell Manantan
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
Location: Fremont, California
Email: eastbaymbc@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Tristan Gonzales
MBC Instructor Status: Study Group Leader
Location: Palo Alto, California
Email: Tristan.gonzales@va.gov
Telephone Number: 650-374-7960
Instructor Name: Francis Garcia
MBC Instructor Status: Study Group Leader
Location: San Francisco Bay Area, California
Email: francisdgarcia04@gmail.com
Website: https://linktr.ee/NarraMedia
Instructor Name: Murad El Massry
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor/Certificate of Proficiency
Location: San Pedro, California
Phone: (310) 905 9666
Email: muradelmassry@yahoo.com
Instructor Name: Doug Farmer
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
Location: Mission Viejo, California
Email: southocmbc@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Eric Mayes
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Locations: Colorado Front Range
Telephone Number: 720-984-7323
Email: wemayes@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Rick Wallace
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: Superior/Louisville, Colorado
Telephone Number: 720-480-5947
Email: wallacerick@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Steven Schneider
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: North Metro Denver, Colorado
Telephone Number: 303-356-7523
Email: stevenschneider014@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Marc Durant
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: Ft. Collins, Colorado
Email: marc@durantresearch.com
Instructor Name: Edward Swiatek
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Location: Longmont, Colorado
E-mail: exswiatek@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Michael C. Rigg
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor (Emeritus)
Instructor Name: Wayde Allen
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: Craig, Colorado
Email: wayde.allen@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Jesse Pollock
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: Commerce City, Colorado
Email: jessepollock2012@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Robin Allen
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Jon High
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Cath Lauria
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Damian Lauria
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Patrick Welch
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Brooks Betts
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Don Jones
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Lawrence Pritchard
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Andrew Carpinelli
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: James D. Vise
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Brice Steele
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
Instructor Name: Jeff Norman
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Wolf Lightning
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Gemez Norwood
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
Location: Millsboro, Delaware
Email: gemez.norwood@verizon.net
Instructor Name: James Wilson
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
Instructor Name: Marc Galli
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: Port St. Lucie, Florida
Telephone Number: 612-719-5801
E-mail: marcgalli@comcast.net
Instructor Name: Robert Turnage
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
Location: Lake Mary Florida
Telephone Number: 407-310-3761
Email: Bob@RTurnage.com
Instructor Name: Walter Spinrad
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor (with Certificate of Proficiency)
Instructor Name: Brandon Gilbert
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Aaron R. Parr
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor (Emeritus)
Instructor Name: Robby Cook
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
School Name: Personal Defense Solutions
Location: Athens, Georgia
Telephone Number: 706-347-0137
E-mail: robbycook@aol.com
Martial Blade Concepts Training Group South on Facebook
Instructor Name: Rocky Patel
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Damon Lusky
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
Location: Dahlonega, Georgia
Telephone Number: 678-936-8301
E-mail: ngalife73@gmail.com
Instructor Name: David Vasconcellos
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Jay Fujimoto
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
Instructor Name: Bob Boston
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: Shelly, Idaho
Telephone Number: 208-569-0128
E-mail: MBCSDEI@outlook.com
Instructor Name: Adam Boyce
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho
Telephone Number: 208-520-9231
E-mail: adam@spartanmode.com
Website: www.spartanmode.com
Instructor Name: Eric Herzog
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Telephone Number: 208-934-6366
E-mail: eh99674@yahoo.com
Instructor Name: Jeremy Shive
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho
Instructor Name: Matt Zavakos
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor (Emeritus)
Instructor Name: Jason Andrus
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
Instructor Name: Mark S. Gridley
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
School Name: Life Protection Arts and Sciences, LLC
Location: Freeport, Illinois
Telephone Number: 815-990-2136
E-mail: protectionarts@aol.com
Instructor Name: Keith Jennings
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor (Emeritus)
Instructor Name: Andy Feltovich
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Bob Lemmons
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: Scottsburg, Indiana
Telephone Number: 812-569-1933
Email: Lemmons529@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Keith McDonald
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: John Wright
MBC Instructor Status: Study Group Leader
Instructor Name: Vince Luke
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor (Emeritus)
E-mail: mrvluke@yahoo.com
Instructor Name: Tom Leake
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
School Name: Defend ME
Location: Kittery, Maine
Telephone Number: 207-698-0483
E-mail: DefendME@comcast.net
Instructor Name: David Cooley
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
School Name: Defend ME
Location: 3 Wildrose Lane, Eliot, Maine 03903
Email: cooleydav@aol.com
Instructor Name: Michael Chamberland
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
School Name: The EDGE Academy
Address: 20 Smith Road, Mapleton, Maine 04757
Telephone Number: 302-242-5891
Email: mchamber2277@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Thayne Alexander
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
E-mail: thaynealexander@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Calvin Blanchard
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
School Name: Twin Cities Aikido Center
Address: 2382 Hampden Avenue West Unit 203, St. Paul, Minnesota 55114
E-mail: calvinblanchard1@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Ron Dial
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
Location: Chaska, Minnesota
Telephone Number: 952-594-2606
E-mail: dauntlesssp@outlook.com
Instructor Name: Patrick Wolfe
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor (Certificate of Proficiency)
School Name: Big Sky Martial Arts
Address: 301 Main Street, Kalispell, MT 59901
Telephone Number: 502-645-4726 (call or text)
E-mail: patrickwolfe.cpt@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Christopher Doner
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
School Name: Kaze Group
Telephone Number: 402-650-4400
E-mail: kaze-group@cox.net
Instructor Name: Seth Hendrickson
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
School Name: Kaze Group
Location: Bellevue, Nebraska
Telephone Number: 402-943-8380
E-mail: seth.m.hendrickson@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Harold Kramer
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
E-mail: mbcvegas@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Kurt Golgart
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Location: Reno/Sparks, Nevada
Instructor Name: Jason Child
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
School Name: Defend ME
Location: Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Telephone Number: 207-752-6192
E-mail: DefendME@comcast.net
Instructor Name: Christian Maine
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
Location: Holderness, New Hampshire
Telephone Number: 603-726-8000
E-mail: whitemountainkarate@gmail.com
Website: www.WhiteMountainKarate.com
Instructor Name: James Allen
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Instructor Name: Scott Hugues
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: Vineland, New Jersey
Telephone Number: 609-364-9856
E-mail: mbcvinelandnj@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Tim Ball
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: Vineland, New Jersey
Telephone Number: 856-777-0528
E-mail: tballjitsu@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Tim Romanik
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor (Emeritus)
Instructor Name: Jonathan Forsythe
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor (Emeritus)
Instructor Name: Tom Cole
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: Las Cruces, New Mexico
E-mail: boneandsteel13@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Leonard Ochart
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor with Certificate of Proficiency
Telephone Number: 915-208-3102
E-mail: Lochart2@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Paul Harris
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor (Emeritus)
Instructor Name: Louis Massaro
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
School Name: Protection Fitness
Address: 36 Newtown Plaza, Plainview, New York 11803
Telephone Number: 516-790-8867
E-mail: MBCLouie@gmail.com
Website: www.protectionfitness.com
Instructor Name: Dariel Williams
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Robert Palleschi
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Rich Fitzgerald
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Gene Potocki
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Location: Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Telephone: 480-213-6418
E-mail: gpotoc@msn.com
Instructor Name: Eric Kaltenborn
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
School Name: Buckeye Combatives Company
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Telephone Number: 614-595-8837
E-mail: eric@buckeyecombatives.com
Website: http://www.buckeyecombatives.wordpress.com
Instructor Name: Bryan J. McKean
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Telephone Number: 614-296-1983
E-mail: mckeanb@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Mickey Yurco
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Location: Canfield, Ohio
Telephone Number: 330-506-8977
E-mail: shorinki@aol.com
Instructor Name: Dave Senkbeil
MBC Instructor Status: Study Group Leader
Location: Lebanon, Ohio
E-mail: Irontreekali@yahoo.com
Instructor Name: Katie Smith
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Location: Lancaster, OH
Instructor Name: David Holloway
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor (Emeritus)
Instructor Name: Alex Voisard
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Name: Chris Hildreth
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Jim Blue Buchanan
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
Location: Oklahoma City
Telephone Number: 405-816-9561
E-mail: blue.buchanan@yahoo.com
Instructor Name: Kevin Vasconcellos
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: Beaverton, Oregon
Telephone Number: 503-547-4343
E-mail: martialbladeconcepts.pnw@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MBCPacificNorthwest/
Instructor Name: Robert Fox
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Location: Portland, Oregon
Instructor Name: Star Gibbs
MBC Instructor Status: Study Group Leader
Location: Palmyra, Pennsylvania
Telephone Number: 717-350-2895
E-mail: stargibbs@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Alex Sholomisky
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor (Emeritus)
Instructor Name: Trent Praytor
MBC Instructor Status: Study Group Leader
School Name: Carolina Combatives and Fitness, LLC
Location: Anderson, South Carolina
Telephone Number: 856-516-3902
E-mail: trentpraytor@gmail.com
Website: www.carolinacombatives.com
Instructor Name: Al Rieman
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Telephone Number: 605-431-2636
E-mail: apr123al@gmail.com
Facebook: Sanano Martial Arts Systems LLC
Instructor Name: Linden Evans
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Telephone Number: 605-390-6003
E-mail: Linnevans62@gmail.com
Facebook: Sanano Martial Arts Systems LLC
Instructor Name: Ben Geary
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Telephone Number: 605-545-1397
E-mail: sanano_rc@yahoo.com
Facebook: Sanano Martial Arts Systems LLC
Instructor Name: Kaeli Clark
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Jonathan Old Horse
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor (Emeritus)
Instructor Name: Chris Kanengeiter
MBC Instructor Status: Study Group Leader
Instructor Name: Tim Broderick, Jr.
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Location: Prosper, Texas
E-mail: tbroderi@gmail.com
Instructor Name: Mark Anthony
MBC Instructor Status: Study Group Leader
Location: Forney, Texas
Telephone Number: 614-579-7322
E-mail: mark_d_anthony@hotmail.com
Instructor Name: Jason Wade Bugg
MBC Instructor Status: Study Group Leader
School Name: MBC Study Group-Houston, Texas
Location: Houston, Texas
Telephone Number: 713-837-6287
E-mail: jason_bugg@hotmail.com
Instructor Name: Kristopher Rhodes
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Telephone Number: 804-363-6699
E-mail: Kris.Rhodes@verizon.net
Instructor Name: Jeff Boss
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Location: Northern Virginia/Washington DC
Telephone Number: 703-570-6236
E-mail: jeff@healingwarriorswithin.com
Website: https://healingwarriorswithin/self-defense/
Instructor Name: Jon Skubis
MBC Instructor Status: Study Group Leader
Location: Mount Horeb Madison, WI
Phone: 608-960-9530
E-mail: jon@sierrawhiskeyco.com
Instructor Name: Thomas Barth
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
Telephone number: +43 676 942 46 98
E-mail: martialbladeconceptsaustria@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/martialbladeconceptsaustria
Instructor Name: Sean Carter
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
Instructor Name: Rhonda Lent
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
Telephone Number: 780-235-3200
E-mail: rhondalent@outlook.com
Instructor Name: Tyler Irvine
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Location: Sherwood Park, Edmonton, Alberta
Telephone Number: 780-832-2661
E-mail: tjirvine98@hotmail.com
Instructor Name: Trevor Park
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Instructor Name: Dan Rheaume
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
School Name: Heisei Budo and Combatives
Location: New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Telephone Number: 604-306-7705
E-mail: dan@heiseibudo.com
Website: www.heiseibudo.com
Instructor Name: Paul Hunter
MBC Instructor Status: Certified Instructor
E-mail: phunter29@yahoo.com
Instructor Name: Andy Keyworth
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Telephone Number: 613-263-0441
E-mail: andy_keyworth@yahoo.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Martial-Blade-Concepts-Ottawa-104154954297807/
Instructor Name: Mikko Lindevall
MBC Instructor Status: Study Group Leader
School Name: AikiCircle Helsinki
Address: Malmin raitti 19, 00700 Helsinki
Telephone Number: +358 50 574 7442
E-mail: mikko.lindevall@gmail.com
Website: https://goo.gl/maps/TQidWEJFgGK7zLdw7
Instructor Name: Nicolas Daugeron
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Location: Orléans, Loiret, France
Telephone Number: 0662535073
E-mail: Nicolas.Daugeron@zoho.com
Instructor Name: Hauke Schulz
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
School Name: Tamado
Address: Bremer Strasse 70, 288 Achim, Germany
Telephone Number: 0049-1726515921
E-mail: Info@blackbeltconcepts.com
Website: http://www.tamado.de/
Instructor Name: Marc Bonar
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
School Name: Tamado
Address: Bremer Strasse 70, 288 Achim, Germany
Website: http://www.tamado.de/
Instructor Name: Tamara Heller
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
School Name: Tamado
Address: Bremer Strasse 70, 288 Achim, Germany
Website: http://www.tamado.de/
Instructor Name: Andrea Siebert
MBC Instructor Status: Study Group Leader
School Name: Tamado
Address: Bremer Strasse 70, 288 Achim, Germany
Website: http://www.tamado.de/
Instructor Name: Wolfgang Seidel
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
School Name: Seminar-und Sportstätte Byhusen
Address: Dorfstraße 7, 27446 Farven OT Byhusen, Germany
Telephone Number: 0049-1789626823
E-mail: Info@SuS-Byhusen.de
Website: http://www.SuS-Byhusen.de/
Instructor Name: Kei (Kane) Shiraishi
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
School Name: Martial Blade Concepts Tokyo
E-mail: martialbladeconceptstokyo@gmail.com
Website: https://www.martialbladeconceptsjapan.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MBCJAPAN/
Instructor Name: Tetsuya “Tetsu” Kamioka
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
School Name: Martial Blade Concepts Tokyo
E-mail: martialbladeconceptstokyo@gmail.com
Website: https://www.martialbladeconceptsjapan.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MBCJAPAN/
Instructor Name: Naohiro “Hiro” Hayashi
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
School Name: Martial Blade Concepts Fukuoka Study Group
E-mail: mbcjapanfukuo@gmail.com
Website: https://www.martialbladeconceptsjapan.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MBCJAPAN/
Instructor Name: Masaya Takemoto
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
Instructor Name: Ron Cariño
MBC Instructor Status: Affiliate Instructor
Location: Taal, Batangas, Philippines
Instructor Name: Patrick Nyffeler
MBC Instructor Status: Associate Instructor
Location: Chur, Graubünden, Switzerland
Telephone Number: 0041 79 640 28 87
E-mail: patrick.nyffeler@bluewin.ch